Welcome to the GBP Blog

This is the Blog associated with our main website TheGreenBicycleProject.org

The GBP has merged with Damn Good Bikes LLC. Please visit the new blog for more recent updates.

We are the GBP. Our mission is to keep bikes on the road and thus keep cars off. We call this “Bikecycling”; that’s recycling, but for bikes. The concept is simple. Take a bike that’s no longer wanted, broken, or even bound for a landfill and apply a bit of knowhow and a lot of elbow grease and you get a bike that can last someone for years. These bikecycled bikes are sold at a price that covers only our costs in repairing them so as to provide bicycles at the lowest cost possible. All of our bikes are repaired and tuned by a mechanic so that from the moment you pick them up they are ready to hit the road. Take a look below for our current project bikes and completed rides.

We are located in the US Storage facility at Capital Circle NE and Mahan Rd. While have moved into our new store, we are in the same complex. To get there follow the road through the complex, around the 90 degree bend and make the first left (at the tree). We'll be the first store front on your right. Sound complex? The best way to find us is to follow the bikes!

Buying our bikes:
Please visit our main website at thegreenbicycleproject.org for information about buying our bikes. You may also email us at Thegreenbicycleproject@gmail.com.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13th Chain Links

Going to Montreal, London, or Boston? Don't worry about renting a car. Those three cities provide free (for 30 min) bikes for anyone with a credit card to use! However, if you're going to Portland you may want to bring cash or check to pay for your bike permit. No money to spend on bikes? If you're down on the gulf coast make sure to bring plenty of gator spray!

First: Several weeks ago I linked to the Bixi project in Montreal. The idea was to have dozens of self sufficient checkout stations for renting bikes. Well, the idea worked so well that Boston and London have signed up! Expect 10,000 Bixis roaming the streets of London in the next few years (Boston is still negotiating).

Second: Portland has always been on the bleeding edge of bike awareness. Now they're redoing their bicycle master plan for 2030 (it's never too early to be thinking about bike advocacy!). BikePortland is doing a multi part series on the project. (Via BikePortland)

Finally: I've heard of odd riding gear but this is ridiculous!
(Photo Credit: "Bixi" from trendwatching.com)

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